Sicilian Descent

Sicilian Descent is a travel memoir about how I moved to Sicily.

It is my own personal journey and diary about my experiences living on the island.

In a series of essays, sketches and poetic observations that document a gradual immersion into the lifestyle, history and culture of an ancient Mediterranean Island.

Life in Sicily is different to the rest of Italy, things are more intense and ancient.

La Sicilia is described by many as a fallen earthly paradise a place that enchants visitors with its special magic.

Despite the natural beauty of Sicily and the wonderfully well-preserved historical sites there is also some ugliness. Sicily shows how with great light also comes darkness.

This memoir is inspired by and dedicated to my maternal Sicilian grandparents who migrated to Perth, Western Australia in the 1950s and the visceral connection their granddaughter finds has with Sicily.

I have offered up some excerpts of Sicilian Descent to readers of Sicily Inside and Out who are always appreciating my journey and are in some way a part of it too.

Click on the excepts below to read more.

Sicilian Descent

All’s fair in love and Ferragosto

A lifetime of Sundays

Immigration in their blood

Moving towards Sicily

Arriving in Sicily


A Baron’s dominion

First days living in Sicily

Slipping in from the window


The good volcano

A Sicilian feast

Getting under Sicily’s skin

Earning a nickname

Slow paced but dangerous

My father in law and his lawyer

I have decided to publish the full memoir on my new substack newsletter.

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