Five Random Italian Words

I’ve been compiling a list of my fave Italian words on my phone for a while with a half-baked idea for a post, and I am grateful to this months Dolce Vita Bloggers theme of ‘five Italian words’, which has jogged my memory and allowed me to finally sit down and write about the Italian language. So hats off to Kelly from, Jasmine from and Kristie of  for starting a fascinating conversation.

For more on how to join in on the fun click here.

This is my sixteenth year living in Italy and at last I am feeling at ease with the language.
Italian has always been a challenge for me, I loved studying it as a hobby but when you jump into full immersion living in a foreign country without an expat safety net, your understanding really takes off, while the challenges with learning a second language can be frustrating.
I’m still confused by Italian grammar, I always joke with my students that I am stuck in the basic present, past and future tenses, with an inability to express my opinions in the conditional or study the past in the complex historical past tense academics tend to use.
Italian newspapers are a wonderful exercise in Italian language learning. Italian journalists have little in common with Anglo-Saxon ones, there is no emphasis on quick, clear and easy to understand language, reading a newspaper here in Italy is a journey into the Italian Baroque, filled with flowery intellectual prose, all quite beautiful but guaranteed to give you a headache.

Italian word blog title
Click here if you want to read the other #dolcevitabloggers posts.

I’m constantly being reminded by condescending Italians of my quaint, adorable Australian accent. While there is no class system in Italy, I think there is most certainly an intellectual snobbery which defines itself as being superior because of the ability to speak, act and sometimes even dress ‘properly’.
I really haven’t studied Italian since moving here full-time. The basic grammar I have has been gained through my university studies and a few short courses during my long-lost twenties. So I have gathered this accumulation of mostly conversational Italian through years of living, working, socializing and interacting with Italians. I often challenge myself by reading a newspaper or a book and this year I am attempting to translate my blog posts into Italian but it still is a long and laboured process, which I am enjoying.

5 italian words blog image
I love words so when I hear something I write it down. I have loads of random lists on tiny pieces of paper, lists both in English and Italian.

The Italian words are heavier, more exotic like the pebbles on rocky Italian beaches, I always pick them up, feel their strange texture, hold them up to the light, listen to their musicality and admire them.

I’m going to share the first five words on my very long list of strange yet beautiful Italian words which have been created to describe quirky or ugly elements of Italian culture, words which only exist in Italian. Wonderfully onomatopoeic sounding words, who roll off the tongue, make me belly laugh out loud and leave me speechless with their aptness. The Italian language is filled with expressive words which reflect the flamboyant and poetical nature of Italy.

Blog image Italian words

FUNNULLONE (fan | nul | ló | ne) : the English translation of this word simply doesn’t do it justice. A slacker, bum or lay about is so much weaker than a fa (from fare or do) nulla (niente or nothing) literally someone who does nothing. Commonly used to describe and complain about government office workers in Italy.

FIGURACCIA (fi-gu-ràc-cia): Italians always talk about making a good impression or a ‘bella figura,’ either by presenting themselves well in front of new acquaintances, professionally or before the general community. A figuraccia is when you make the worst possible impression, totally bombing at a job interview or burning all bridges for a promotion, you have totally ruined your reputation forever which is probably the worst thing ever for an Italian.

Bella figura blog image

MAMMONE (mam | mó | ne) : literally a mammone refers to a large mothers breast, a wonderful image which describes the typical Italian mummy’s boy. A word of advice, if you ever meet a mammone, don’t ever get involved with him, it always gets too Oedipal.

IMBROGLIONE (im-bro-glió-ne): the English translation into ‘trickster’ waters down the meaning of this term. An imbroglione can be a nasty corrupt politician, a sly con man or an oversexed Don Juan, someone who lies and deceives for their own personal benefit, but its more than that, they are absorbed by their own deceit and are one hundred percent consumed by their own lies.

GATTOPARDISMO (gat-to-par-dì-smo): a simple gattopardo is an ocelet or wild cat but after the publication of the Sicilian historical novel of the same title by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa in the 1960’s, Italian journalists invented the word gattopardismo to describe a nasty trait of the historical Italian political, aristocratic and business class. It refers to the period of Italy’s unification where basically the royalists and the upcoming middle class took advantage of political change to grab onto the power and wealth left behind after the formation of the new Italian republic. Today it refers to a certain social, political and economic class who will do anything to hold onto their power or wealth and is a synonym for the corruption and nepotism which mars Italy today.


The Italian language is beautiful, even when describing the lesser attractive elements of human nature and above all it always has an honest and down to earth approach to interpreting the world. Honestly, it is this what makes me fall more in love with Italian every day.

To read all the other posts about Italian words for May 2018 click here.

Past #DolceVitaBlogger Link-Ups:
​#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup – #5 April 2018 – The Perfect Day in Italy
​#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup – #4 March 2018 – International Women’s Day
​#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup – #3 February 2018 – A Love Letter to Italy
#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup – #2 January 2018 – Favourite Italian City
​#DolceVitaBloggers Linkup – #1 December 2017 – ‘The Italian Connection

31 thoughts on “Five Random Italian Words

  1. You’ve given me an added problem. I’m struggling to learn Italian, but I love words and want to include these five in my vocab lists but so much to learn. I feel I should leave them out and concentrate on learning the basics, but ..l.
    Intriguing, let’s have some more.

    1. That’s wonderful, no harm in collecting words even if you are at a beginners level. I’ll have to share some more off my list. It’s all very random but I love it!

  2. We love that you have a list and love to write down words and phrases that you hear! We’d definitely love to read more! 🙂 It’s true that Italians can make any word, even a bad one sound good! Some of these we would think “aww what’s that.” before realizing it’s negative! haha

    Lucy and Kelly

    1. Yes, the Italian language is so beautiful I’m literally astounded everyday, they make up so many new words its hard to keep up. I’ve had such a wonderful response to this post, I’ll be sure to share some more on my list. Also I’m based in Sicily so I’d like to do a Sicilian version too. 🙂

  3. I love the way you describe the language Rochelle, and your passion for it is evident. Great list of words, which I have not come across before, even here in Australia. Our families predominantly speak English, but when speaking Italian, I find it is quite proper, so it was interesting to discover these words. Grazie. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Italian has been my passion for many, many, many years. Even though I find it a challenge to express myself, the beauty and expressiveness of Italian is what keeps me going. I’m going to share more as soon as I can, I’m also working on a list of Sicilian ones. Grazie a te 🙂

      1. It’s always more difficult to speak the language than understand it. Sicilian eh? Good luck with that one! My husbands family is from Sicily and I always found their dialect extremely difficult. 😉

      2. Yes it’s really hard to understand, but I’ve been gradually been introduced to it side by side with Italian. I wouldn’t embarrass myself by attempting to talk it but I think I’ve picked up a few words and understand the local dialect here at Messina which isn’t as thick as Palermo or Catania. Yes another daily challenge

  4. Rochelle thank you so much for joining our group of bloggers. I LOVE the way you describe the words and how they feel for you! This is a great list, I didn’t know quite a few of them. I have to write everything down on paper, a very traditional learner. If I can’t see it written it doesn’t go in! So I can completely understand all the little notes!

    1. Thanks so much Kristie, I saw this months subject and took it as a sign to finally get around to writing down a few of my collected words. Oh yes, I can totally relate to having to write everything down, I need notes and lists in my life in order to function. I can’t seem to write anything decent, not even a blog post, without writing it all out longhand first! Thanks for your great idea!

  5. I love the word funullone-have not heard that before. Anything ending with ‘accia’ is always a beautiful word, even thought the meaning is usually negative. Ciao, Cristina

    1. Ciao Cristina, funullone is my fave and mammone, that ‘-one’ ending just gives everything an expansive dimension, like a major lazy arse or a big baby mummy’s boy! I just love it 🙂

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